Okay, so I haven't posted since Becca's birthday which was beginning of November. I guess I should catch up before the New Year starts and I get way behind again. :)
Thanksgiving came next in big events...it was just Mom and me this year at home but it was really kinda nice. We got to eat what we wanted, when we wanted...saw a movie...relaxed and watched the TV we wanted. It was fun. :)
My friend Dominique's birthday was the Friday after Thanksgiving and we hung out most of the day doing movie and lunch. Then for dinner I went with her and her family to a Murder Mystery dinner at a place in downtown St Louis. Basically we all had parts in this 'play' that went on while we ate our dinner courses where Kris Kringle was up on trial for the murder of the therapist from Miracle on 34th Street. I play Kris Kringle's brother (really Kris was left on my family's doorstep as a baby and we adopted him). I wanted Kris to be guilty so I could get his room. Siblings. Turns out...it was really the Grinch who killed the therapist...he dropped an anvil on him. And I had figured it out! Didn't win but it was still fun.
Life was then busy with work, church and Christmas stuff as I only had two in a half weeks to get ready to leave town for the holidays. Mom and I headed to Arizona to visit my sister for Christmas...and Luke and Leslie headed down there as well. It was exhausting getting it all fit in, and then it was exhausting while in Arizona as there was still tons to do. But we had a great vacation...here are some pics of our fun times there:
The first night the kids had a school choir performance. We stopped and got food on the way there to eat during the break (there were two performances depending on the age of the kid). Inside was this cool panda that is their mascot i guess...it was a mexican chinese like place. Not bad food, probably would have tasted better fresh but cold wasn't bad.
Here's Rylee and Leselie with the panda:
Luke trying to eat the panda's rice with Leslie playing
Smile now!
JT is in the white t-shirt...the older kids danced in the aisles between songs

Top row, far right...red head...that's Seth!

Didn't end up getting a picture of Rylee as my camera kinda sucked in the dark auditorium.
The next day I headed down to Gilbert to spend some time with my old roomie Liz from college. It was great fun to see her and catch up. We like to vacation together here and there, but it has been awhile. I miss my Liz.
When Liz took me back to Audra's we met at a friend of Audra's and we kareoked the night away! My first time really doing this...and I have to say I rocked! Well, actually my voice kept cracking but I think I impressed them with my knowledge of lyrics. :) hehe.
We took a trip up to the Grand Canyon...pictures to come in year closing post later...it was foggy at first but it did clear up later and was a fun day.
Next we went to see Taliesin. This is a Frank Lloyd Wright home that is actually still used as a 'school/foundation' for artists and architects. It was pretty cool. Enjoy the views:
Front entrance near the gift shop
Pretty fountain at the front
View from the back
More view from the back...this place was pretty big!
Cool little sculpture. Can you tell it's starting to rain?
A little pond area in the back

Pretty pergola view
Pretty sculpture
Another cool one

Not all the students are architects...many went on to become well known artists and their work is throughout the home. Pretty cool.
I liked this one...called Inner Path
Luke and Leslie walking...Luke wasn't ready for the pic

Mom by a sign for the place...cut off the name a bit. Oops!
Smile Luke!
Audra in a doorway. Frank Lloyd Wright liked to do compress and release building...where doorways were a bit small and then the air is realsed into large rooms to help you appreciate the architecture more. Interesting concept.
Travis and I were also there...but didn't happen to get pics of us on my phone. Oh well.
Luke and Leslie were really impressed with all the cacti and the size of them out there. Had to get a pic by one of them!

Leslie ended up making us a chicken pot pie from scratch while at Audra's. I dont' like pot pies but everyone else raved about it! It looks really pretty!
December 23rd is Travis (Audra's hubby) birthday! We all had lunch together with the kids then later that night we headed out to a restaurant...adults only...that has a mechanical bull. We didn't get on the bull, but Travis did get this birthday treat from our waiter...huge cotton candy!

The waiter said he doubled the size just for us than what they usually give out for birthdays.
The the waiter drew on the bill so Audra wanted a pic of that. :)
Audra for Christmas gives out cookie plates to her friends. This year we added a special treat...Santa to deliver the cookies. Well...Luke as 'Santa's Helper' delivering the cookies. Here is is posing as muscle Santa:
Audra on Santa's Lap:

Mom and I on Santa's sides...we didn't want to wear him out too early. I missed the pic with the kids and Santa...was going potty. tmi...I know.

On Christmas Eve it is another tradition in Audra's household that one gift is opened...Christmas pajamas! Mom's even came with a special wrapping...which turned into a headband. hehe!

Audra couldn't be left out and created her own headband as well. Her's and my heads were too big to fit mom's headband.

No pictures from Christmas day or after but it was an awesome, fun, warm and exhausting trip! I hope you all had great holidays!
Oh and one final picture...my big present this year....my Mom got the cross stitch I finally finished framed...professionally! Isn't it pretty. Onto the next project...soon.