All the words that I utter, And all the words that I write; Must spread out their wings untiring And never rest in their flight. By William Butler Yeats
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Poor Boomer
I look in my rear-view mirror...and see the car behind me is pretty close and I see a few other cars behind him...feel sorry for that poor person who is sliding their car and I hope they are able to stop before they hit someone...all of a sudden there's a loud BANG sound and my head is whipped forward. Yup, I was that poor car that got rearended. Sigh.
The boy (and I mean high school heading to work) said he looked off to the side, then looked forward and hadn't realized we were all stopped. (Yeah right...this is not some hill he just came over...he would have had to have seen us all stopped at least 200-300 feet back if not more.) He slammed on his brakes but...there was slidding and screeching. When I saw the car close to me in my rear-view mirror that was literally seconds before he hit me...didn't see the car swerve at all, and when I looked didn't appear to be moving but either I looked to quickly, or time stood still.
As my head was whipped forward I look in front of me and all of a sudden realize that my right foot has automatically lifted off the brake...and I'm heading towards the vehicle in front of me. I slam my foot down...but still collide with them. Darn it.
So we all turn into the schools parking lot and examine our the pouring rain. No damage to the car I was pushed she goes off with my name and number saying she's not going to do anything since nothing happened to her car. My front bumper though is cracked down the middle...edges still connected so it's not hanging off or anything.
I then go to the back of my car (Boomer as I've named him) back bumper not too bad, but I can tell right away my trunk is askew and the other cars license plates numbers are embedded into my trunk. Now luckily my trunk is vinyl is luckily popped right back into shape after I was hit. Small things that made me feel better.
The car that hit me only had the front Make emblem broken off his car. in a 3 car accident...I'm the only one with damage really and all 4 of us in the car have whip lash. Fun times.
Sorry, totally forgot about taking pictures of the accident. But overall when you look at my car it didn't look too bad...mainly because my bumpers popped back into shape. But the estimate from the other drivers insurance has the damage costing around $2500 to repair. So, since Monday my car has been in the shop getting back to it's original Boomer glory. I hope anyways.
Repair was estimated to be done today, but I have to wait to hear from the body shop to now for sure. I've had a Chevy Cobalt as a loaner...cute car...smaller than mine and definately sits you up higher inside the vehicle. I took pictures of this one...but alas I keep forgetting to download the pics.
Hopefully repairs will be completed today and I will get my baby Boomer back. My poor baby.
So, to make this a little but more fun a's the story behind the name, Boomer:
When I got my car I just kept calling it my baby. Not kidding. This was my first vehicle that I purchased...and I loved it...I got everything I wanted for a pretty good deal. But Baby is just not a good name for the car. So that weekend after I get it I'm driving to meet family, I think my dad and brother and his family, out in Chesterfield Valley for dinner...and I've turned the radio up to enjoy the music as I like to do. As I'm driving along...I realize that even though the bass from the radio is perfectly balanced...when I turn up the volume the bass is so strong my rear view mirror is pumping/shaking along with the beat...and it's really not up that high in volume.
Now me...I love the loud/strong bass of songs where you can feel the beat vibrating you from the inside out. that feeling...and with low volume and still getting that 'boom' was really cool. So at that moment...that name kinda entered into my thinking. I'm driving home....I just keep thinking...I have a Boom Baby! Which then leads me to think of that line from "Emperors New Groove" from Disney when the emperor likes to enter a room, or he wins an argument or something....and he yells. "Boom Baby!" Hehe....I'm liking Boomer even more for a name.
But when I got my license plates the name was firmly cemented for my car...the letters on the plate they gave me were....
wait for it....
Hehe. TNT (dynamite) goes yup, my baby was now named Boomer!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
April 23, 2009 - Dad's Birthday!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009
April 10th - The Final Day!!!
Oh yay!!!! Isn't it pretty?! Me love it. :)
Here are some stills of the final kitchen:
We soo happy it finally done!!! Hope you all enjoyed the day by day progress reports. If not, too bad, all ready posted. :P
Thursday, April 9, 2009
April 9th
Fine, make fun of my sing song voice. Be that way. I'm just excited! You can't bring me down! Until we have to paint the bay next week. But then we'll be done!
Nope I was wrong...Mom just reminded me...we still have the outside painting to do. But that'll be for better least I hope so. Man...I've never had to paint the outside of a house before...wonder if that's a bit harder than painting the inside of a home...or painting furniture as Audra likes me to do for her. :)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
April 8th
As I pull into the driveway the pizza guy is all ready there and he's walking from around our I guess since we didn't answer the front door we might be in back? So I pay for the pizza's and am a bit harried when all of a sudden I take a look at the house and try to figure out what happened today. Now, the mystery is over:
So I barely finish that video when Mom gets home and I quickly show her what was done. We then eat dinner and watch the Cupid episode from yesterday. (Pretty cute show by the way.) Soon thereafter we shut off the TV and get to work. Here's another thing we realized was done, and what we accomplished today.
It's getting there. He will definately be done by Friday! But I don't think we will have it all together when my Aunt and Cousin come to visit and arrive on Friday night. All though Friday is Good Friday and my office closes at I guess I could get some stuff done. :) Matt is to come over that afternoon and help us replace the doornobs on 3 I'll have a couple of videos for you that day as well.
So, then there won't be daily videos. Hope you miss me...and my continual comment of "Isn't it PRETTY!!??" You know you'll miss it. :)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Weekend & April 6th
Now, on Saturday we got a new water heater installed in our home...and man does that thing work! Faster and hotter water than I can ever remember us getting out of our house. :) So it was interesting the first few times we tried it out...still used to really having to let it run to get the hot water upstairs, but not anymore! :) Here's a pic of our new water heater...cause I just knew you wanted to see it:
Here's the new controls....still have to figure these out. :)
April 6th
Yay! So even though it snowed a bit today...don't worry nothing stuck to the ground...a lot of inside work was completed on our kitchen upgrade. Enjoy!
Can't wait for tomorrow!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
April 3rd
Now not all the woodpecker holes are filled in or fixed yet, but the HUGE ones are now so I guess that is at least something. :)
He called and said that he will be here for a bit on Saturday. We are getting our new water heater installed and there are a couple of other kitchen things he wants to work on tomorrow. Should be interesting since we are supposed to be watching conference most of the day. But Bill did say that as of Saturday morning we can walk on the floor again! YAY!
Although now Mom is wondering about sealing the grout. Another step? So close to being done with that. This whole walking through the garage and in through the front door to go between the TV and the temporary kitchen and bathroom, and even just slightly annoying. :) But it is all worth it in the end.
Friday, April 3, 2009
April 2nd
The contactor's son is babysat during the day by one of our family friends and when he went to pick him up yesterday, he told her that this was the most beautiful floor he has ever laid down. :) YAY! I like that. hehe.
We'll see what gets done today. :P
Thursday, April 2, 2009
April 1st
Now, those additional woodpecker holes he is still going to fix/replace as well. Just wanted to show you some before and after pics a bit. I also have some before pics of the front porch lighting, but those are on my other computer so I'll post those later for comparison. :)
But today it is to rain...all day. So maybe now all of the tiling will get done on the floor. hehe. Although then we can't walk on it for a couple of days. And apparently we have to paint those slats outside to match the house color ourselves. Totally thought the contractor was going to do that as well, but as long as it gets done who cares. :) Enjoy!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
March 31
Now I had an eye doctor's appointment yesterday so I ended up getting home a bit earlier than I normally do and the construction guys weren't there. Apparently they had been called to another client's home where they had a water heater emergency that took awhile to fix. So considering they didn't work the whole day but cut out a bit early they still got a lot done. But tonight they should finish the walking through the kitchen for the next few days. So to go to bed...gotta go out the garage and in the front door. Fun times. :)