Thursday, August 5, 2010


Well, if the storm last night had to keep waking me up with lightning and thunder from 3 a.m. and on at least I got to see a pretty rainbow on my way into work.

Yes, I was on a hill and I did take the picture when stopped at a stop sign. It was actualy a full rainbow, but since there was a car waiting behind me I couldn't really reshoot for a better shot. :)
The sky was a weird hazy, sun rising, rain cloud filled color. Here's some interesting clouds from driving down Manchester to try and show this color:

Yes, this shot was taken while I was driving. My bad. :)
K, me tired now. Can't wait for lunch when I can nap...hopefully. So long as my new iphone and it's games don't distract me...yet again. Hehe.
Oh yeah, I got an iPhone last weekend! Love it! Really distracting...and getting all those contacts set up how I want...sigh tons to do. So if I randomly email or call you for your address and birthday's all out of love...and wanting all the info for my phone. :) This is my first phone where I actually need a data plan, so it's nice to be able to combine all info I have for a person into one central location. Let's just hope I can keep it all straight.
Well, I hope you all are more rested today than I feel. Enjoy!


Audra said...

Love the rainbow and the sunset. Thanks for sharing.

MAK said...

I was there for that!