All the words that I utter, And all the words that I write; Must spread out their wings untiring And never rest in their flight. By William Butler Yeats
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Hair Update
Here are the before shots:
JoNa's 8th Birthday
JoNa has turned 8 this week! He is growing up WAY too fast! So he had this incredible part at America's Incredible Pizza Company. We had a party room, games, and unlimited pizza bar that was awesome! It looked like everyone had a blast.
Here's a pic of JoNa's cake...Indiana Jones is the coolest! The ball rolls off and everything. :)
So overall it seemed like a very happy 8th birthday. I know I had tons of fun.
Monday, February 16, 2009
We Want to Remodel the Kitchen
While discussing it came up that probably the easiest thing to do would be to tear out all the lower cabinets and put the Ceramic/Porcelin tiles that we were leaning towards out over the whole floor, then re-install the cabinets over the new floor. Because of our layout it would be around the same cost as if they had to cut all those tiles to get it all to work/fit correctly. I also like this idea as then we wouldn't have to worry about not being able to get the dishwasher out in case it needs to be fixed or replaced as the new tiles would add a half inch to an inch at least on the floor height. Anyways...he also mentioned since we were doing that, we could get a new formica counter top to also help update the kitchen. He has a friend who could cut it and we could get a good deal on a good product. idea! Love it! Now I not mind our butcher block counter, but Mom is not really a fan.
So our shopping/browsing for kitchen stuff takes a new turn. We now hunt for a new formica counter top we like. Below are our top four choices for counter tops...from left to right our favorites on down. Mom's favorite was number one, I was leaning more towards number two. The background is our weird sink color...we not want to replace this...even though and odd color we both love the sink and how it works for us. It really not that splotchy in color...the light from the window was reflecting and that is how it showed in the picture.
We both agree...this is the tile and pattern for us! It's lighter than our current floor, and should match the cabinets, sink and new counter selections. The different sizes make the pattern more interesting so the floor won't be totally boring. Now in the pic to me it seems a bit yellowish...which we didn't want, but once we take the example tiles home...I see no more yellow. It must be all those intense florescent lights at the store. :)
Here's the tiles, with our counter top choice and sink so you can see how those will go.
So...What's your opinion? You like our choices? Not like them? Input please...cause we are pretty set and want to go ahead and if you see ugliness I don't...I'd like to know. :)
Although it's too late to dislike the counter top...we ordering that making today hopefully. Well, we will at least tell the contractor what our choice is. :)
My Body Chemistry Hates Me
I am sucking candy to why my lips are pursed a bit.
Side view.
Anyways, after lunch on Wednesday the itching was driving me crazy so I went into the bathroom at work just to see and guess what....hives were breaking out AGAIN!!! I was so mad. So I then wash off my face with some water, pat my face dry and then put on the hydrocortozone cream I just happened to still be carrying in my purse. Thank goodness!
I called my dermatologist that afternoon and I set up an appoinment on Saturday for him to look at my face and figure out what is going on. At this time I am now 90% positive it's the Retin A that is making my face itch. No way could it be my moisturizer or my makeup as it was fine for the first few days I wore makeup and the Retin A started itching immediately.
Here's my face this last Friday...layers of skin again peeling off randomly and the new skin showing up BRIGHT pink. I am seriously so sick of people staring at me funny trying to decide if I'm sun burnt, am continually embarrassed, or if I have a strawberry birthmark on my face that they never knew about.
Front view
Left side
Right side
Now to you it may not look so bad...but it still sucked. So I went to the doctor on Saturday morning and my skin is just so sensitive that I cannot use Retin A skin is rejecting it and breaking out in rashes on the new skin...which is why it's so pink apparently. I then get perscribed what two types of moisturizer I should now use from here on out, I can wear makeup as of today...but I'm waiting one more day anyways...and I get a new cream to apply for those baby zits that were the root of all this annoyance.
I still look like I have gotten some sun, and I have now explained it to soo many people. Hopefully my self-consciousness will go away a bit. Fully sympathy appreciated. :)
Thanks for listening to my rant. My body hates me.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Dreaming - too Realistic
So the first part was I parked my car in what used to be a 'safe' area around my house in another subdivision. It was near a friend's house in my dream, but out of the way. I knew for the next day I would not need my vehicle as my friend was driving where ever we went (I don't remember that part and I don't remember who my friend was).
Anyways the next day it snowed pretty badly. But when we were done my friend was taking me back to my parked vehicle...which was at the bottom of this pretty steep hill. So my friend dropped me off at the top of the hill and I had planned to just walk down the street to my vehicle. It was dark out and I couldn't really see it from the top of the hill. As I'm walking down the street these two guys sled past me suddenly. One of them was trying to weave between trees along the sidewalk edge, but ended up falling off his sled and skidding along concrete for awhile.
I run up to him and he's bleeding pretty badly, and doesn't think he can walk home on his own or just with his friend. Well I offer to give him a ride home, as my car is just a little further down the hill. So as this other guy and I are helping the hurt guy down the hill we approach my car and as I'm walking around the front to the drivers side, getting out my keys, I notice that my back left tire has been stolen. Crap! I walk around, and my back right tire was also stolen, and my car is now sitting on blocks. Dude, this sucks!

As I continue around my car the dream morphs and I car has totally been stripped! It is now just down to it's measly frame. :(

So I then get out my cell phone and call the cops. I'm stumbling around, in shock from seeing my baby totally vandalized in what I thought was a safe neighborhood ( I mean it's only been a day!) when the hurt guy all of a sudden goes into spasms. So since I'm already on the phone with 911 I ask for an ambulance for the hurt guy. After I'm done with that call I run to the nearest house and find a family there who is willing to help take in the hurt guy and cover him in blankets and try to stop the bleeding.
My dream then switches.
I am now cleaning madly. In a frantic spell trying to get all this cleaning done. I'm cleaning up my house, then my desk at work, then I start cleaning my friend's place...all the while trying to get this done before some deadline hit. What the deadline was for I have no idea. But while I'm cleaning I keep forgetting to do things, then when I go back to try and do them...I make another mess that I have to clean up.

It is never ending. I keep thinking..."This has got to be a dream! Why isn't it time to wake up yet? Where is my alarm all ready?!"
But of course I can't wake up enough to really look at my clock and see what time it is. When I'm running around my room wondering how these messes keep popping up for the 6th alarm finally goes off.
Thankful, I turn off my alarm and think, "It's about time!" I then close my eyes to get my bearings and start to doze back off again...but the fear of more cleaning dreaming makes me throw back my covers and roll out of bed. Shoot me now! No more cleaning! PLEASE!
I then had to stand there and reaffirm to car did not get car did not get stripped. My brain didn't really calm down that fact until I did finally see my car again when I left for work.
My imagination is was to over-active! Too realistic I tell you, seriously. Do you ever have those dreams when you wake up you can't remember for sure if you ONLY dreamed that, or if some of it was true? Cause it happens to me all the time. Annoying!