Happy Birthday JoNa!

JoNa has turned 8 this week! He is growing up WAY too fast! So he had this incredible part at America's Incredible Pizza Company. We had a party room, games, and unlimited pizza bar that was awesome! It looked like everyone had a blast.
Here's a pic of JoNa's cake...Indiana Jones is the coolest! The ball rolls off and everything. :)

Afterwards all the kids got unlimited game cards that lasted for an hour. They all then ran and played many of the games in the arcade, go-carts, bumper cars, glow in the dark mini-golf. It was tons of fun. I was on Sam duty and she had me running around quite a bit. At least she understood when I told her the game was too big for her...as in I couldn't hold her up long enough for her to play big-boy basketball, and when the time had run out she still wanted to play but didn't question when I just said, "We have no more money". :)
So overall it seemed like a very happy 8th birthday. I know I had tons of fun.
Thanks for sharing! Wish we could have been there. Sure love those kids!
It was a fun night. Pizza okay, rest of the food ??????? except for the ice cream, but it came out of the wrong machine!
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