All the words that I utter, And all the words that I write; Must spread out their wings untiring And never rest in their flight. By William Butler Yeats
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Okay I Feel the Need to Define
Apparently my trying to be general was too...general. Yes, in the past I did feel that I had to know everything on everything and everyone and wanted to always be in the "know". But I have grown a bit in that aspect. I am talking about things that I really should know...but no one will tell me. Here are some recent examples to hopefully explain a bit better:
I have a calling where I try to help those in need. Anyway there was a situation where I found something out the long way and was wondering why I didn't find out earlier.
Granted, I can only do my calling as to what I am informed of...I just thought that this was the type of situation I would normally be informed of. Which brought on...was I just being to nosy or was there what I perceived to be a lack of communication between me and others in this instance?
I have dropped the wondering and doubt from my mind and have just accepted the situation as it is...there's nothing I can do to change what has happened, and I did what I could. I harbor no ill feelings for anyone and have moved on.
Another example....at work my supervisor goes to many management meetings and such where she is continually informed of things company management is thinking about doing or things they will be putting into effect. But I never hear of these things unless I ask her directly about a topic, or it's starting to get inforced and I'm confused so I have to ask her what is going on. Like...we hire someone knew and they just walk into the office and ask me where they to go (as receptionist is away from her desk and I have to fill in) and I have no idea who this person is or recognize their name. Seriously...this has happened. Head managment got so busy/forgot to sent out an office email notifying anyone of this except department management, who then didn't pass it onto me. Or I start getting forwarded these things to do...which I have never done before...and get told after the fact that these have now been added onto my work load. Sure...okay.
Or my supervisor goes to carrier meetings and finds out how things are changing within each carrier than will just come back to work and not tell me what's going on. I have learned that if I do not go up and ask within the next day or so after the meeting what's new going on...she doesn't really inform me. So then I'm working on a client and realize underwriting guidelines have changed and I had no idea....which could either mess up what I'm doing or help me out in the long run. She had warning...why shouldn't I?
Yes, I generalized my last post and I still agree that overall I prefer to be in the "know" and hate to feel left behind. And I do realize that some of that is insecurity. I have finally come to the point though to accept what I do not/will not know and just move on with my life. Not everyone is like me, and I can't change that. I don't want to. I'd like to think that I can appreciate anyone because of their differences in character. And if there is a lack of communication between me and someone else, I do my best to find a way to work around that issue and find a way to communicate with them that works for both of us.
Flaws can be hard to accept and hear the truth about. So either I didn't like hearing the truth and I'm just making excuses, or I just didn't explain myself very well previously. Whichever it was...I still say I'm nosy. :)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Lack of Communication...or Nosiness?

But recently I have been saying that some of my problems/frustrations/feeling behind all stem from lack of communication.
There have been quite a few instances lately where I'm going about my life and I find out things that others knew and didn't inform me about. Either because of laziness, they don't care, or they don't think I should know...are the reasons I've come up with. Then when a situation arises when I finally find out this information I'm just standing there like..."well why didn't you tell me?" And the others who knew are like, "Well I all ready know so why can't you just catch up?" Sometimes I'm just lost in a situation because I still don't have all the information, and sometimes I just keep on rolling along, but my mind dwells on why people don't tell me these things.
In work or in church or just in general in my life I try to inform people of other things that are going on. Not in the context of..."I know what's happening and I'm going to inform you of this because you aren't as special as me since you don't know all ready..." or something. I am just trying to pass on information I have learned and I know would be helpful in those people's lives for personal reasons, work reasons or church calling reasons. Pretty much, it was new to me and I don't think others should have to go to the "work" I had to to obtain that information. I'm all about everyone being in the "know" if they need to be (and I do put serious thought on who might need to be in the know).
I can totally keep a secret and do realize there is a time and place for them. And honestly, I have always been told that one of my few redeaming qualities is what a great listener I am. So I guess it all comes down to....is there really lack of communication in my life with others (as in they are only thinking of themselves and/or aren't huge on sharing) or am I just so nosy that when I don't know every detail I over-react and feel left out?
Overall, I kinda think it's both. I am pretty nosy, but when it's something that is important to how I do things and people refuse to tell me till i figure it out myself I really do think it's a lack of communication on their part. But I could just be being egotistical myself.
What's your opinion? Do you ever feel that lack of communication can be a factor in your life? Or do you think it's all nosiness? Please let me know. :)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Hockey Game
The Blues Note rotating on the ice before the game:
Some scenes from the game. We were only 7 rows back from the ice!
This is one of the congregation moments where the refs were trying to stop the fights before they really started. There were 4 almost fights, but no punches thrown. Shucks.
Was an awesome game...we WON 4 to 0! Only we were kinda hoping they would have made 5 goals as once they reach that we could have gotten a free blizzard from Dairy Queen. During the last 2 minutes of the 3rd period we were so close, but we never saw that 5th goal. No ice cream, but still great fun!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Fall Celebrations Start!

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Birthday Recap
Hilarious! Turns out, I then missed the final message from the Birthday Fairies, of which mom called and told me about when she left home.
So then that day I went out to lunch with Ellen to Cheesecake factory and went out to dinner later with Mom to Outback.
So then the rest of the week I had some sort of birthday celebration every day of the week. :) It has been a wonderful...and filling week. :)
Thank you all for your time and efforts to help make this such a fun birthday! Yes, I do feel old. :)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Decade of Birthdays!

18th Birthday - it was my senior year of high school. So that morning I went to early morning seminary where there were doughnuts and cake. It was also Dustin Shipps birthday so we had a double party. I then went to school where my friends had gotten me some balloons for me to carry around all day. :) After school I then went home and had dinner with my mom...most likely out at Outback. We then came home and I blew out the candles on my itty bitty round cake that mom and I each ate one piece of...then threw away a week later as we didn't eat anymore.
19th Birthday - I was in Rexburg, Idaho...Freshman year of college. The Saturday night before hand (my birthday was on a Thursday) my roomies threw me a surprise birthday party where friends had gathered. But on my birthday I went to classes as usual, then came home and a box had arrived from my mother with my gifts and treats inside. She had sent me a pair of frog pajamas...and some other stuff I can't remember. All my roomies made me dinner and we had another cake. My mom called to wish me a happy day and I cried a little as this was my first birthday not getting to spend time with her.
20th Birthday - I was again in Rexburg, Idaho, onto my Sophomore year of college. Since my birthday was on a Saturday my mom called around 6am to wish me Happy Birthday and to get me to open the box she sent my a few days beforehand while she was on the phone. There were a couple of movies, another thing of pajamas and some candy if I remember correctly. Anyways, afterwards I crawled back in bed...to be woken up an hour later with pancakes and orange juice in bed...my roomie Paige said everyone deserved breakfast in bed. Then I did a little bit of homework and started to get ready for the dance. My roomies had set me up on a blind date with I think Mandie's friend Chris to go to homecoming that was that night. We went with another couple...I think one of my roomies but can't remember who for sure. Anyways...we headed to Idaho Falls for dinner at Outback then onto the dance. It was fun...but Chris really didn't talk much...no matter how hard I tried to drag an answer out of him. Overall...a fun birthday. (I had been told a few days earlier that my roomies had set my up on a blind date...so I'd be prepared to go to the dance. There's pics of my reaction...it was late at night...and I was definitely surprised. )
21st Birthday - First year in Logan, Utah...Junior year of college. My birthday was on a Sunday...so the Saturday night before hand I went out to dinner with my roomies and went to a movie. Also that day I went to my Aunt Elese's house where she gave me a frog fleece blanket she had made me and I got another frog gift from my Aunt Delene who was there that day. On my birthday I got to sleep in, then went to church and we had an apartment dinner with some cake afterwards. Mom had sent be a bouquet of flowers and a package as well.
22nd Birthday - Umm...Senior year of college in Logan, Utah...on a Monday. I went to classes as usual, but as the day progressed I had tons of random people...some I recognized and some I didn't wishing me Happy Birthday as I was walking through campus. I had quite a few classes and didn't get to go home until around 4 p.m. that day. As I take the bus home and start to walk in my apartment building I see a sign on the door, "Do You know Who's Birthday it is today?" Then at the bottom staircase railing, "Have you guessed yet?", on up the staircase and on the wall before the last staircase up, "Getting Warmer!" then outside my door a sign that said, "Yup! It's Chrissy's Birthday!" next to it was a little flier...with my picture on it stating for anyone to wish me happy birthday if they saw me. Apparently...my room roomie...who I had just met about a month before had raided my pictures and found one of me and passed around fliers...put on every door in my complex and some around campus! I walk in and no one was home but there was decorations all around. My mom had sent me another bouquet of flowers that were in the middle of the table...and I had another package with gifts from her. We then had a roommate dinner at Chili's and hung out for the rest of the night. The Saturday beforehand my other friends in the complex had thrown me a surprise joint party with Shannon Folkerson as her b-day was a few days before mine. We had gifts and cake as well. I was at my friend Liz's place and they had to call and get her to bring me over...she had no idea.
23rd Birthday - I was home in St Louis. I went to work that day, we had a small party and I got some cheesecake and a free lunch at Chase Mexican Restaurant. I went home and went out to dinner with my mom, Matt, Debbie and the kids. My had gotten me another bouquet of flower....new tradition.
24th Birthday - Okay, my birthday was on a Thursday. So I went to work that day, had a party here at work with cake to enjoy and a free lunch. I then went home and had dinner with my mom and had a relaxing evening. That Friday afterwards I took a half day and drove over to Kansas City, KS to visit my dad, step-mom and Aunt Nancee. We went to dinner on Saturday and my brother Luke came and we just had a little party.
25th Birthday - Worked, of course. Right after work I had a chiropractor appointment as my back was giving me weird pains. Went out to dinner at Outback with mom and Matt and Debbie and the kids. We then headed back to our house and opened presents. My had gotten me 25 frog things to commemorate this special birthday! Then after my brother's family left I went and met up with Dominique and we headed out to a movie...which closed out my fun birthday!
26th Birthday - I took off work for a few days right before my birthday that was on a Saturday. My sister Audra had flown into town. Mom, Audra and I drove down to Springfield, MO to hit the outlet malls in Branson. We took a detour on the way back to St Louis the Friday before and hit the Precious Moments Chapel which was way cool. On my birthday day we all went to the temple early in the morning (had to be there @ 7:15) and I got my endowments out. Now all my church dates (birth, baptism, confirmation, endowment) all showed my birthday date. Yes...I planned it this way...at least the endowments. :) We then went shoe shopping and out to lunch. Mom then took Audra to the airport to fly home and I went out to dinner and a movie with Dominique.
27th Birthday - On a Sunday. I got to sleep in a bit...woke up with flowers and a card on the table for me from mom. I went to church and had a meeting afterwards. Ellen had made me some chocolate chip cookies for my birthday...and the meeting. My friend Kristin had decorated my car earlier in church. When I went out it was covered in streamers, balloons, paper hearts, and signs. One on the windshield said "Happy Birthday" and the one on the trunk said, "Honk! It's my birthday!" I tried to drive home with some of it on. I had to take off the balloons and hearts. The windshield sign slowly came off on the drive home. Luckily my sun roof was open and I caught it before it could blow away. :) That night mom made me dinner and we relaxed watching some TV. Later on we had cookie cake and presents. Overall though...I technically celebrated this birthday for 3 weeks. As different people wanted to celebrate individually with me...so I got a lot of free meals and free movies. :)
28th Birthday - So far it has all ready been a blast. I wake up and first thing mom says is "Happy Birthday!" Last night at FHE I got a surprise B-day cake with candles and everyone there sang to me. When I head out of the garage...I see a sign at the end of the driveway. Kristin had struck again...with Shane Petes help! It said "Good Morning Sunshine" backwords...so you could read it in a rear view mirror. It was tied between the two trees at the end of our driveway. As I go to take it down...so I don't hurt it when I drive out I see little paper plate art with a frog, a wall of flowers and bunnies (side joke I can explain later if you want), a target with a happy birthday arrow and such. And I just got a call from my mom that there were also some signs on the garage door as well that I missed. Sadly...I didn't think to take pictures before...so I kinda plan to recreate it when I get home and take some pictures you can enjoy later. I also had an e-card from Audra that was funny.
So now I'm avoiding work by typing this. :) hehe. Well, I hope you enjoyed my past decade of birthdays! That took awhile to remember all that. :)
I hope you all enjoy this day...even if it's not YOUR birthday!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Anyways...so here is what my hair was before:

So here is my after picture:

I then hung out with Dominique for the night. Sunday came and I went to church early for a Missionary Board meeting and had to stay after for choir. I came home, made some Salmon and potatoe pearls for lunch/dinner for mom and myself. Took a short break, then headed out to my brother's house.
My sister-in-law's grandma passed away late last week so she left Sunday to drive out for the funeral. Matt is staying home to watch the kids....they don't really have the days free to pull the kids out of school. But, Matt had to work the late shift at work last night so I went over to babysit and spend the night. So...we had an hour and a half till bed time after dinner and BeCa wanted to do DDR (dance dance revolution).
She said she wanted to play with someone who would actually challenge her. So we started it up. Now BeCa is 13, almost 14, so she's a bundle of energy. JoNh is 7, takes Karate, but doesn't quite have the hand/feet coordination to really master this game. And SmThA is 3 and wanting to do what her older siblings do...even if she really can't.
So BeCa and I did one round just us...then JoNh and SmThA wanted their turns...which had me sitting behind their matts and hitting the right buttons when they got lost...which usually happened after the first step. JoNh didn't really realize I was helping him, and SmThA kept telling me not to help her and tried to keep my hands up in the air so she would know I wasn't helping. I still snuck in anyways.
Long story short...it's finally bed time...I'm all sweaty and hurting a bit...rolled my ankle a couple of rounds ago and was trying to sit out and let the kids enjoy it. Secretly enjoying telling them, "It's time for bed!"
I now at work. Boo. Can I go back to playing DDR? Never mind...ankle still stiff a little.
Time for another fun day!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Curse of a Vivid Imagination
"Oh Crap! There's a fire in the house!" yells my mind.
I run upstairs and look into my bedroom (which is partially over the bay window) and there are flames coming into my room from the attic.
Yelling downstairs, "HELP! The house is on fire!"

Then what do I do? I kneel down on the ground and crawl to my bookshelf and grab my photo albums. Going through my mind is the fact that I have to save my memories on what can never be replaced. After watching news and movies I know that the one thing people really miss once their homes get destroyed is their pictures and memories of their past that are now lost forever.
While I look around the room to make sure the flames are still not getting close to me, I run over to my bed and grab my childhood blanket kept on my bed between my pillows, and I see my jeans on the floor at my feet, not damaged yet, and grab them. I then think...where are my tennis shoes...cause I can't lose all my belongings and only have my slippers and pajamas to walk around in. The next thought running through my mind is, "I wish the fire wasn't by my dresser so I could also get a pair of socks." Weird thought.
Looking around the room I don't see anything else that I do not think I could stand losing and/or replace again later. There are soo many things there with fond memories, but they are only material things. My memories/pictures...and clothes to change into...are the only things really important to me at that moment. I quickly gather all those items together and throw them down the stairs, hopefully out of harms way and if not then at least closer to the door for when I make my escape.
Running to the hall closet I grab the fire extinguisher. Others are finally running up the stairs with the garden hose and other fire extinguishers. I yell out, "Has anyone called 911 yet?!"
Receiving no answer I go into my bedroom and start to put out the flames with the others. Which actually goes pretty quickly. I then run to my mother's room to see if the fire in the attic has spread to her room. The ceiling is starting to bubble down and a few small flames start in the walls. I keep dousing them with the fire extinguisher, but quickly run out of...whatever is in those things.
Yelling to the others that my room isn't the only thing on fire (trying to tell them it's obviously coming from the attic but they just won't listen) I begin running around the house like a crazy person looking for any other fire extinguishers we may have, also trying to find out if anyone ever called 911. As I remember one extinguisher is the basement I rush down the stairs...and see that the whole basement is gutted down to it's concrete walls and floor. And some firemen are finally arrived at the house.
The fire has finally been put out.
It had spread from the attic and mostly through the north side walls of my home. Mother and I start to walk through the home and see the extent of the damage.
My alarm then goes off. I turn it off and think to myself, "Oh thank goodness that is over!" Closing my eyes to concentrate on waking up my mind fully I fall back into the dream.
We are standing in my bathroom...which looks totally undamaged except that the ceiling is bubbling down. I take a fireplace poker and begin to poke the bubble...also to make sure in my mind that the fire in the attic is fully out. Devestation starts to invade my heart and mind. This is going to take forever to get our house back. Man, I hate fires.
I open my eyes and I force myself...keeping my eyes open...to fully regain consciouness...and get out of bed. I do NOT want to continue that dream.
This is the curse of a vivid imagination. Sometimes my dreams are SO REAL, I can get confused upon waking...or even later when I remember details about them. I honestly have to think about it to remember if it was real, or only a dream.
Now when I dream...I always dream of people I know. Either in real life...or from on TV (yes I do dream of TV characters come to life, or even Olympians have starred in some of my dreams). From every dream I can remember...if I dream of someone I don't currently know and have never met...I will met them in the future. Seriously. Every. Time.
Deja Vu has been a constant in my life. (Where I dream something and anywhere from the next day to a month later that dream happens to me in real life. Every detail.) I have honestly dreamed of every single roommate I ever had in college before I ever met them. Then within the first week of living together with them...my dream becomes a reality. It's kinda weird.
I had that fire dream last night...and it messed with my head all morning. So I had to share it...and hopefully be able to let my mind forget the details so it doesn't keep freaking me out because it did seem so real.
Have you ever had a deja vu experience? Or had a dream so real...you really have to debate with yourself over it's true validity? Or you know...just tell me I'm crazy. Whichever floats your boat. :)