But recently I have been saying that some of my problems/frustrations/feeling behind all stem from lack of communication.
There have been quite a few instances lately where I'm going about my life and I find out things that others knew and didn't inform me about. Either because of laziness, they don't care, or they don't think I should know...are the reasons I've come up with. Then when a situation arises when I finally find out this information I'm just standing there like..."well why didn't you tell me?" And the others who knew are like, "Well I all ready know so why can't you just catch up?" Sometimes I'm just lost in a situation because I still don't have all the information, and sometimes I just keep on rolling along, but my mind dwells on why people don't tell me these things.
In work or in church or just in general in my life I try to inform people of other things that are going on. Not in the context of..."I know what's happening and I'm going to inform you of this because you aren't as special as me since you don't know all ready..." or something. I am just trying to pass on information I have learned and I know would be helpful in those people's lives for personal reasons, work reasons or church calling reasons. Pretty much, it was new to me and I don't think others should have to go to the "work" I had to to obtain that information. I'm all about everyone being in the "know" if they need to be (and I do put serious thought on who might need to be in the know).
I can totally keep a secret and do realize there is a time and place for them. And honestly, I have always been told that one of my few redeaming qualities is what a great listener I am. So I guess it all comes down to....is there really lack of communication in my life with others (as in they are only thinking of themselves and/or aren't huge on sharing) or am I just so nosy that when I don't know every detail I over-react and feel left out?
Overall, I kinda think it's both. I am pretty nosy, but when it's something that is important to how I do things and people refuse to tell me till i figure it out myself I really do think it's a lack of communication on their part. But I could just be being egotistical myself.
What's your opinion? Do you ever feel that lack of communication can be a factor in your life? Or do you think it's all nosiness? Please let me know. :)
Do you really want to know what I think? I doubt it, but here goes big Sis advice.
I don't think it is either. I think it is insecurity. If you were more secure in yourself, you WOULD NOT CARE if you were in the "know".
I speak harshly, but from experience. It must run in the family. If you want to talk it out, call me.
I think it is just other people don't think outside the box. I don't think it is anyone trying to intentionally leave anyone out of anything.
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