Who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?
Slowly, step by step, Eva makes her way through the skeleton trees. Careful to not make any loud noises she tries to hide herself behind the trunks, knowing the effort is fruitless as there is nowhere to hide.

"SNAP!" goes a branch off to her right. Not able to contain her gasp of surprise Eva feels all the eyes of the forest turn on her...making her even more frightened than she was before. All other noises stop and a hush falls over the forest. Unmindful of the noise she makes now Eva sprints to her left, hoping against hope that whatever was chasing her really had been to her right.
Up ahead is a light. As Eva slows down she tries to control her breathing. Even though she may be slowing down, the noise behind her is getting louder and louder, not ceasing in it's speed. Darting her gaze all around her she sees a well up in the distance...near the light. Should she go? Shouldn't she? Could the well prove safety for her, or just lead her onto a more perilous path farther into her fear?
Heavy breathing is coming up on her, making sweat pour off of her face. Decisions, decisions. Finally, feeling that she has put off action long enough Eva makes a run for the well. She can feel the pounding footsteps coming up upon her.
Closer, closer...only a few feet more. Finally! Three feet from the well Eva leaps from the ground, and dives for the well. Praying that there is a bucket to help stop her momentum down...or at least water in the bottom of the well.
She makes it! As she begins her decent down into the well, she whips her head around to see her attacker. All that Eva sees is a claw swiping out trying to get her one last time before she is finally out of range. Thankfully whatever/whomever that was does not succeed.
As the blackness surrounds Eva nothing is stoping her fall. No bucket, no water, no....nothing. Yet she is not gaining speed as she descends. Reaching for anything to grasp onto Eva blindly flails about trying to find something to hold onto. Farther and farther she goes, nothing but smooth stone and air. Finally... some roots! Scraping her hands, doing all she can to find a hold to stop her fall Eva finally comes to a halt.
No way up, and no one she could yell to for help, Eva slowly works her way down to try and find some ground to stand upon. What seemed like hours later, but was probably more like 15 minutes Eva reaches solid ground. Sighing, Eva tries to find out the dementions of her new "home".
Suddenly, two hands slam onto her shoulders. "AAAAAAHHHHHH" shrieks Eva. She whips around and finds....
Okay, your turn. If you enjoyed the beginning of this story, tell me where you'd like it to go next. Who is it she finds at the bottom of this odd well? Is it the wolf that seemed to be attacking her in the forest? Is it a friend? Is it a stranger? You get to tell me the who of this story, we'll then see where it goes from there. :)
Hmm, you are making me think on a Tuesday that feels like a Monday to me. Hmm.
Who would you find at the bottom of a well? A troll? A rat? An evil step mother? Whatever it is it is nothing good!
I will have to think more about a funny answer. That is all I got!
I think this sounds like a dream. Now you wake up.....
Whatever you come up with will be better than what I can!
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