Ever since 12-16-08 our internet has been out at our house. We get a DSL line through our phone company and goes through or phone lines. So our phones would work...but no matter what we plugged and unplugged and rebooted...the interenet just wasn't working for us. So finally I broke down...got impatient waiting for my brother to come and fix the problem...and called AT&T to have them figure out what the problem was.
They did three different diagnostic programs, and they could find nothing wrong. So they sent out a tech to come and check our house and see if it was a line problem or what was up. Saturday we had to stay home between 8 am and 5 pm to wait for him. He finally called at 1:30 to say he was in the area and would be stopping by. YAY!
So what was our problem you ask....

Our modem died! Apparently the one the phone company sent to us only has a warrantee for 6 months. 6 months! I thought these things were to last for years! Anyways he was a great guy...replaced our modem (for free...shush...) and I am now finally able to access the outside world. hehe. :)
So I finally broke down and downloaded all my pictures from my trip and recently. Man...I'm starting to take after Audra and am getting picture happy. I seriously now carry around my camera in my purse at all times. New addictions...fun times.
So since there are so many pictures I'll work on a slide show so you can all see the fun times I had. :) Eventually. Life is busy. I'll try to get it done soon. But in the mean time just wanted you to know...I missed you! But now I am back, and hopefully will continue the blog fun. :P
1 comment:
Now if it only would work with what I need.
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