So last night at Fa-HE (FHE - family home evening) with the singles branch we played volleyball as the activity. I apparently have forgotten that I like to play that game cause it has been forever....as was apparent by my innate ability to hit the ball out of bounds. But the more I played, the quicker my reactions were. I still am not a huge..."diver" for the ball, but I have to say that I didn't do THAT bad overall. :)
Ahh...those days in high school where we played it almost everyday in gym...we all got pretty good then!
So apparently I need to start playing volleyball, pool and bowling a little bit more to hone my talents back up to what they were when I was good. Ahh...the good ol' days. :)
Well, I don't think I ever had those 'good days.' I was always horrible at volleyball!! Glad you had fun!
Sounds like fun.
I have to say that I have too much childhood trauma from my youth to ever play volleyball again, (mostly having to do with the embarrassing experience which was having gym class with Adam Dowell.) But anyway, my family and I like to go to our ward volleyball nights at church, but I absolutely refuse to play. I tell my husband that if he ever DID see me play, he would never respect me as his wife again.
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