Your High School's Name-Marquette High School
High School Colors- Blue, Green and White
High School Mascot- Mookie the Mustang! hehe.
Did you date anyone from your school? Umm, yeah. Mike Tayloe - freshman year, Tim Greco (kinda, we both liked each other and did dances and group things but no one on one dates) - sophomore year, Jeff...totally can't remember his last name (we were more like kissing buddies for a couple of weeks than really dated) - senior year, and Steve Boss - senior year (another one that only lasted a few weeks.
What kind of car did you drive? My Smurf-mobile! Little two door 1993 Geo Metro that was a light teal color that in street lights at night looked like the color of the smurfs. :P 3 cylinder little thing...also called it my putt-putt car. Going up hills, especially with the A/C or heater on was more like driving a golf cart than an actual car. :) But it was small and allowed me to do a lot of zipping in my driving which i love to do. I got rearended my Senior year taking my friend Dominique to school cause her car was in the shop...we both at complete stop and car behind me took their foot off the gas when they shouldn't have. It then totalled my car. So the last month of school I had a 1994 Mercury Topaz that my mom now drives.
It's Friday night where are you? Freshman and Sophomore year I was either at a school football game, or probably out to the movies or the mall with my friends. Junior year and Senior year I was working at Steak'n Shake or at Football games, or out to movies or the mall with friends. :)
Were you a party animal? Not necessarily, but kinda. I had a large group of friends and we'd try to get a bunch of us together whenever we hung out, so sometimes it was always a party. But I did love it when we threw actual "parties" which did happen pretty often for someone's birthday or just randomly. There were only a couple of "drinking" parties that I ever knew about, but they only happened Senior year and I never went, and was only invitied cause they knew they'd be talking about the planning around me and didn't want me to feel excluded...but they knew i wouldn't come cause I don't drink.
Were you considered a flirt? I have no idea. I love to talk with guys and stuff...but even now sometimes I don't really realize when I flirt (it's not really a conscious effort on my part). But overall, no I don't think I was considered a flirt. When I did flirt, it was with someone I really liked at the time.
Were you in band, orchestra, choir, or any other group? nope, not really. Last two years I worked so much I didn't really have time.
Were you in any clubs? Same as above. But I was in Latin club and Senior Women Club. Neither really involved tons of attendance.
Did you ever get suspended or expelled? Nope, I was the eternal "good girl". Never once got detention, suspended or expelled.
Can you still sing the fight song? If we had one I don't remember it. Pep rallies were bad enough...we were a relatively new school and school spirit hadn't been bred that strong for any of the students yet. :)
Who were your favorite teachers? Mr. Ebert - senior year english writing, he let us talk with friends and the class a lot. and I had my two BF's in there so it was always fun. That is also where "Butt Boy #2" was found. (my friend Heather and I are kinda butt girls...and Butt Boy #2 sat right in front of us....and it was always great to watch him sit down. hehe.) Mr. Marsh - Government and history class. He let Heather and me put out our starburst rappers turned into sailboats as decorations in his room. Mr. Faulhaber - Sophmore and Junior english... a lot of free time where we all sat and chatted. Mrs. oh goodness I'm totally blanking on her name. my pre-calc teacher. She was a blast. Silly and yet so totally smart. literally...she had genious testing scores on mutilple things. :)
Where did you sit during lunch? It depended on the weather and time of the year. If it was nice out, we'd sit outside near the outdoor bridge leading to the entrance of school. If bad weather we always had one long table commendeered in a certain place. I always bought my lunch so I just went whereever my friends had sat. :)
Who did you go to Homecoming with? Mike Tayloe, Tim Greco, Eric (tall guy), and Mike (from work...different one than Tayloe) In that order.
Who did you go to Prom with? Matt B., Adam Dowell, Adam Dowell. (Senior year I asked Adam from church to go with me and he asked me to go with him to his. So that year I went to Marquette's and Parkway South's proms)
If you could go back and re-do high school would you? Nope. I had a blast while there but I would not go back.
What do you remember about Graduation? Umm...Carpooling with D, getting flowers from my mom, actually enjoying the speakers :), and the All night party afterwords on school campus. They had caracature artists, games, casinos with fake money and a hypnotist. Then door prizes for everyone there. It was pretty darn awesome. Next day was hard though, met my dad, step-mom and grandma for breakfast and was literally falling asleep on my plate. Then could only sleep for a couple hours after that cause my sister and mom were going to a wedding of one of A's friends from high school and I stayed home to watch Rylee. I was exhausted.
Do you plan on going to your 10 year reunion, or if you already went what was it like? Umm..I don't know. It'll be next year if we even have one. The one guy who was supposed to organize it just wanted the title for graduation since he didn't make valedictorian and said he'd never actually organize a reunion. So if we have one...maybe...depends on my schedule. but most of my good friends i still keep in touch with or i've now found a lot on facebook. :)
I tag anyone else who wants to do this!