This is one of those days that you never forget, like Pearl Harbor, the day Kennedy was shot, the day man first walked on the moon. One of those times the whole country unites in its feeling...this one of horror, grief and sorrow. But no matter how many times I see these pictures, read the different accounts or remember what that day was like in my life, far away from the action, I can't get desensitized to this whole thing...I still cry like a baby. And I don't think I ever should get desensitized.
Ironically, I can't remember for sure if I actually cried that day it happened. I do remember watching any and all reports I could on what was going on. Sitting there up at school watching the horror unfold before my eyes watching in shock at the anger and hatred of the terrorists take so many innocent lives. I really just remember being in shock pretty much the whole day. I do remember crying watching the President announce we were going to war after that, all ready mourning the lives I knew would be lost and imagining the pain our country would continue to go through.
Hard times suck, but it's the only way we learn to truly appreciate what we have and grow stronger...together.
You should always remember. Good for you. And BTW - crying is good!
I do think it is funny that you talked about those other events like you were even born yet! That is funny! So, Chrissy - when did JFK die? HUH? Can you tell me the date of when the man walked on the moon? (without looking it up).
I didn't think so.
Sorry to bug ya, but I am your sis.
I hung up 4 flags today. My heart is very sad remembering what happened in 2001. So sad.
You didn't have to be alive to see most of those events in this day and age. We have movies, videos and printed pictures and acoounts that bring the actual events back to life. They are all very real. You were the one that called me about the Twin Towers. I was already at work. We hooked up a TV and watched it off and on all day. Major events that have changed the world. Just like Ike has effected much of the US and Cuba and other islands that felt its wrath. It's good to remember the good along with the sad and bad.
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