So, as some of you know I am dog sitting this week while D is out of town for business. A full work week. Should be interesting.
But as of yesterday afternoon I am thinking of calling Cody the Poop Machine instead of his name. Wonder if I call him it enough he'll start answering to it? :) jk.
So, my poop frustration started yesterday afternoon when I got home to D's apartment. There was a notice on the clip by her door. We got a citation for not picking up the Poop Machine's poop. Now I got immediately mad....I ALWAYS pick up that puppy's poop....no matter how runny or gross it is.
The problem only compounded when I went inside to let him out of his cage to go potty...as I call it...and he had pooped all over his cage. GROSS! I then had the wonderful job of cleaning that up...smelly.
But that was the end of it...or so I thought. This morning while getting ready I could tell he was farting a bit, so I was keeping a watchful eye on him. He then went to the door (the signal that he needs to go out "NOW!") I put down my makeup brush right away and removed the gate from the bathroom door (I block it so he can't get in and tear apart the toilet paper roll) and then turned around and put it back (he's a quick sucker and I really didn't want him getting in the bathroom). When I then fully turned towards the front door...seriously thought I was moving fast...Poop Machine had already moved to the corner behind the TV and pooped a huge pile of...crap.
So...in a way it's my own fault that I apparently didn't move fast enough this morning...but I'm seriously thinking he's just trying to see how far he can push me. I really hope he doesn't get much farther with this.
So...so far this dog sitting experience is...poopy.
I'm just seriously hopeing that whatever is in that puppy's stomach that is bothering it so much...is out by now.
Okay, please...tell me one of your poopy stories...and help me get my mind off being mad at the dog for something he can't control totally yet. Be it a pet or person poopy story...I just really need to laugh to get over this frustration.
I got our dog Lucky when she was a puppy, and this was before Tavis was in the picture, so I guess I was a “single mom” then with no clue. But oh the poop stories! (And the eating the furniture stories, and the ripping the carpet to shreds stories, and the attacking any male wearing a baseball cap stories….) What can I say, puppies and dogs have issues. All I know is that I have done my share of dry-heaving while either cleaning up poop or (I hate to even type this) watching the dog eat her own poop (I think she was trying to hide the evidence.)
Dogs are foul, foul creatures. And our big furball is definitely a part of the family.
Missy told me to tell you that if he has been eating good, you need to cook up some white rice and mix it with his food. That will make his stool more firm.
If he hasn't been eating good. Cook the rice and boil (in water) some hamburger, drain and mix with the rice. Feed this to him (no other food). Even if they are sick they will eat this.
GROSS!! That is so not fun! I have a friend who has a baby and when she was changing him..you know when their legs are up in the air with perfect aim...he EXPLODED on her!!! I even saw pictures, it was seriously so funny! Not only was she covered, but she had to clean him up first so he didn't get anything else and then she finally got to clean herself up!
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