Yeah...that's been me for a long while now. I be lazy. Anyways, last week on Oprah she started a new thing she's doing, having a professional organizer drive across America cleaning up random messy households...they literally stop at strangers places and show them how to organize the clutter they have let take over their homes. Mom got infected with the bug of "let's declutter". I watched the show and did also get a bit of the bug myself. So I made a goal and I actually stuck to most of it. :)
My from the upstairs down and organize/throw away stuff i've been meaning to for awhile now. I started in the office. From my graduation from college up until 2005...I didn't organize any of my "papers" shall we say. I had literally thrown them into bags that were just piled around my computer. ughh. So i went through everything in there....the papers in the bags, the old college filer with even older papers that I have no reason to keep what-so-ever. There was a recycle, shred, and re-file in current system that I like and have had in place since 2006 piles. (Yes...I have been putting off doing this organizing since 2006...I told you I'm lazy. This older stuff was just out of sight out of mind.)

So, I got through three trash bags full of shredding....and I killed our shredder. Ooppps! Well, technically I'm pretty sure I just over heated it...but I do think it is finally on it's last legs. We've had it for at least 2 years now, so it did last pretty long. :) I still have a stack of stuff to shred though so I'm working on what I'll do next. I waited a bit and it shred one more piece of paper after I though it was totally dead...but then again stopped working. I think I'll just have to go shopping later this week to get a new one so I can finally finish my project. :)
Next I moved onto my room and went through all of my clothes and put into bags for donation anything I haven't worn in a year (did keep some older stuff that I absolutely refuse to get rid of like old school shirts and such, I could turn them into a quilt of something later...maybe). Anyways, ended up with three bags of clothes and old purses to donate, even took them and dropped them off in a drop box. Even got all my laundry ready and started some now it is all picked up off my floor. That project complete...YAY! Upstairs projects I'd been putting off are done now. Now upstairs I only have to dust and vacuum my room and clean my bathroom and I'll be all clean and organized. Joy! Yes that does sound pathetic, oh well. :)
Then onto the main floor. I was going to get all my filing done for this all ready organized...just have to throw it in folders. But since I couldn't finish my shredding...I wasn't in the mood to file still surrounded by junk. So I gave up on that for now...till i get a new shredder. So instead...I played with my new ipod which got delivered that morning.

That is where my productivity ended for that day. Yes, this is all I have to talk about...I'm still proud of myself. :) So...are you as bad as me? Do you have projects around your house that you have been putting off and putting off? Don't tell my I'm the only procrastinator around here. :)
OK - add a category of reactions that says, "Weird". Sometimes you are what you are... I am!
P.S. - So are you!
I'm proud of you and what you accomplished. It always makes us feel so good to walk into a clean room.
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