Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope that you all have a great and wonderful Thanksgiving! So far it has been a nice relaxing day for me...although this being off on Thursday and for the rest of the weekend is throwing me off kilter a bit. :)
My brother Luke and his fiance Leslie came into town for the holiday. :) Stayed up late last night talking to Luke, then got to sleep in till around 9 a.m. or so then it was onto lazying around the house and playing on our laptops. L & L both brought theirs and I got on mine to look up movie times...kinda wondering if mom was feeling left out as she was the only one without a laptop. :)
We then went to my other brother's in-laws house and had a great Thanksgiving meal. After that we went and saw Four Christmases...which really turned out a lot better than I thought it was going to be. It was kinda hard to find a movie we all agreed to see...three girls and one guy...and way more chick flicks out than action movies...I'm sure you can imagine. :) But as it is a family tradition in our home that on most major holidays we go out to see a movie...we had to find some kind of middle ground. :)
Anyways...we then stopped off at a gas station on the way home to get the newspaper with all the black friday ads and came home to see if there was anything we wanted to shop for tomorrow. Funny thing...Luke is an avid Black Friday shopper...have no idea where he got that. :P Definately not a normal family tradition. Overall...nothing really hit us as to where we have to get up early and fight those insane crowds to find some good deals. We'll go shopping...just later in the afternoon when it has hopefully calmed down some. :)
I'm now updating my blog...and Luke is snoring/sleeping on the couch. This boy seriously likes to sleep more on a couch than he does a bed. Kinda weird....oh well. It's also kinda funny. :) Love him anyway...but man can he get loud...in his snoring. :) And I can totally say this without fear of retribution as he has no interest to ever read my blog. He loves to play on the internet, but blogs just aren't his thing. :)
Well, that has been my thanksgiving. Fun times, I know. But I hope you all had a great day, and good luck shopping those sales if you are daring enough to brave that insanity! :)
Love the update. Miss my family. Tell everyone hi!
It was a great weekend. I loved that we were able to spend time together.
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