YAY! So I had a busy and fun weekend. Friday did some shopping around, and actually knocked out some Christmas shopping...seems like it's so close since I'll be leaving for vacation half way through the month. :) We also tried shopping for new lights for our kitchen and came up with nothing that really stood out or seemed doable. Anyone...suggestions on good kitchen lights that'll give lots of light? PLEASE!
Then Saturday was the early, Happy Birthday D!!! When I got to D's she was still laying in bed, so I got to fully "wake her up" with my camera. :) Me suck a stinker. We then went to an early showing of Twilight...which was totally awesome. I love how it stuck to the book so well, and there were tons of close ups of Edward and Bella. Sigh...me want an Edward. :) We liked it so much...we went and saw it again later that day! I know...so bad, but it was sooo good! And sadly, I'm dying to see it again! Each time you pick up new details that just makes it more enjoyable. I'm too addicted, too bad I don't want to stop bad enough. :) I've only read the first book, but I have all four...was putting off reading the second one as I read the beginning of it was kinda depressing...I wasn't in the frame of mind to read depressing without it bumming me out pretty bad, so I put it off. Now I don't care, I just want to read. But, no time really this week so I can't...cause I know I won't be able to put it down. Another thing that may have to be done while I'm on vacation. :)
So funny/ironic story, as D and I were sitting down for lunch after the movie, she got a call from her sis Kris...she was so upset. See...she'd gotten pulled over on the highway for not using her blinker to change lanes...which she swears she knows she did use, the officer just saw she was on her cell phone and was using what he could to pull her over and give her a ticket. Well...apparently the last speeding ticket she got, her dad paid the lawyers to fix, but the actual ticket didn't get paid...that step of the process didn't get conveyed well apparently. So, there was a warrant out for Kris's arrest. Yup, Kris got arrested, and her car got impounded. If you know this girl, you know that is seriously the last words you'd ever think would come out of her mouth, "arrested".
Anyways, to speed this up a bit...we left the restaurant right away and went to get $ out to pay bail bond for Kris and went to the T&C police station to bail her out. She was so upset, and looked so traumatized. Poor Kris, I felt so bad for her...it really sucked. Kay, so here's the ironic/funny story...she was driving on Sunday to Steak'n Shake with some roomies of hers, and got in an accident. Luckily, not her fault, unluckily...the other driver rear ended them pretty badly. Wow, I so wouldn't want to get behind the wheel again anytime soon if I was Kris. So...it's not really "funny" but so...out of the ordinary you kinda groan and chuckle for her all at the same time.
Anyways, back to me. :) So Saturday kinda ended up being one of those, run around everywhere days because the plans to work from one place to another fell through due to the police station run. But it seemed like a fun b-day day for D, she at least says she had fun. :) YAY! One more down. hehe, jk.
Then Sunday when I got back from church I was moving the leaves from the back yard to the front pile for the city to come and collect...I lost count after 15 trash can loads of leaves that I had to take from the back to the front. Got my workout for the day I guess. Then, later that night mom made her "buns" as her recipe calls them. She only makes these once a year, and they are soooo good! They really are crescent rolls from scratch...so yummy! We are taking them to the "in-laws" house where we'll be having Thanksgiving this year. They are my brother Matt's in-laws....but we go to so many of their family functions...they are just the "in-laws" for all of us. :)
So really, not too much down time this weekend, and the holiday won't really slow down either. Then only two and a half weeks and I'll be in sunny AZ till almost the new year. Ahh...finally vacation is so close!!
Kay, had better get working now. I'll post pictures later...left camera at home and didn't have time to download them. Happy short week!
1 comment:
That was a busy weekend.
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