All the words that I utter, And all the words that I write; Must spread out their wings untiring And never rest in their flight. By William Butler Yeats
Friday, August 29, 2008
Fun News!!!
Two of my most favorite shows are colliding! I so happy! This has got to be an awesome pair! Now I'm looking foward to the new Dancing season ever more! :)
Sad what can make me happy. :)
Here's one of my more Favorite Lacey performances from So You Think You Can Dance (slow digital pic intro but you don't miss much and it's good quality after that):
Another Favorite Lacey dance...weird jump...but totally works for a Mia Michaels Routine:

When I was in 7th grade I was in band. First chair flute, and no one could beat me. It was great. Then one Tuesday I go into the band room...and my flute wasn't on the shelf where we kept them. I looked and looked, couldn't find it anywhere. To make this was stolen and never recovered. I loved flute, and I never played again...till last night. :)
My friend LaHok has an extra flute and kept telling me she'd give me flute lessons (for her own reason. she has a quartet flute piece and only knows 3 flute players currently so I am to learn and maybe fill in the 4th position, if I can learn how to play again). So...first off, I'm a little off on remembering how to breath into the flute...don't remember it ever being a problem when I was younger. Then I try to remember the I remember just picking it up when younger. This will take some practice to get used to this again. Which I'm sure LaHok will appreciate cause some of those notes I was playing were just...painful! :)
So have any of you ever tried to pick up a lost talent? Was it harder than you remember it being the first time?
Oh, BTW...We did check out the shed...the plastic liner at the top of the shed beneath the deck (to keep the weather and other things from falling in) have bend with age. The portions from halfway towards the house are all hanging down into the hit the light pull while falling and the momentum turned on the light. Seriously must have been recently cause that light can't have been on that long to have not burned out yet.
So, no random homeless person living in our shed. Overactive imagination is wrong...again. :) Happy Friday! And happy labor day weekend!
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Going through my computer...
So, I've been going through some of the files I've downloaded onto my computer at work (I have to download the .wmv files to actually view the picture for some reason). Anyways, I remember getting this one and it was absolutely hilarious! Even in a different language this joke totally translates. Hope you enjoy!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
A/C Fixed...Kinda

Thing is, now we find out our unit is soo old that it may likely just go kaput soon! So we are now going to get some estimates and see what kind of system we can get.
When I was talking to my mom yesterday while the repair guy was there she said, "You are learning what goes into owning a home the hard way." Yeah...i'm learning to buy a new house! :)
Then last night I headed back downstairs pretty late to see if I had gotten a letter I was expecting in the mail over the weekend. I went to get my letter opener that was over in our Kitchen bay window and I noticed that the light we have in the shed under our deck was on.
Now, neither Mom nor I have been in that shed....since at least last summer at the earliest. So, even if we had left it on...the bulb for sure would have burnt out by now...but it was definately on. over active imagination kicks in. :) Has some animal just gotten in there under the wood slats and somehow pulled the string to turn on the light? Has some radom homeless person somehow broken into there and it's his new home at night? Too many scenarios are popping into my mind. But there's no way from the shed into our no one could be breaking in. And there's nothing really of importance in the shed anymore...just our old deck furniture...maybe some old bikes and other yard stuff...which apparently mom and I don't need or care about.
I went upstairs last night and told mom about it and we are both flumoxed. So now I have been put in charge of checking out the shed later today, to see what's going on. Joy. But, I'm making sure mom is right behind me when I do check it out...just in case that homeless person thing is the real cause. :)
This morning the light was still who knows what's really going on. I can be so parinoid at times. :P
Monday, August 25, 2008
What Disney Princess Are You?

Intelligent and kind. Your beauty goes much further than your apperance. Also, you make judgements of people based on their personality and not their looks. Attaining all the knowledge that you can is one of your major goals in life, but you are also a person who can make things happen.
Which Disney Princess Are You?
It's Over!
Also the insanely busy weekend is over! The bridal shower went great. It just seemed to flow together and everyone said that they had a great time...which is a huge relief. :)
Although on Saturday Mom realized that our A/C is broken! Humidity sucks! Luckily the past few nights cold fronts have passed through where we can open the windows and cool off the house a bit. I just really hope that the repair people can make it out to our house today and get it fixed quickly. Just our luck more heat will come through and I'll just want to live in my car so I can have a constant A/C going. :P
So all weekend long I've been waking up constantly throughout the night...due to anxiety over the party and hoping I can pull it off how i'd like to, heat keeping me awake, or nature sounds waking me up cause i'm used to only hearing my music and fan going. I'm starting to get to the point where I know if I can't get a couple good nights sleep soon my body may get pretty weak and make me sick. I'm pretty sure today at lunch I'm going to take a nap on the couch in the back of the office. That should help. ;)
Friday, August 22, 2008
I'm the Baby Song - so appropriate. :)
And this is just the most memorable part of the show:
Not the Mama!
Hope you liked the show as much as I did! :) Or at least laugh at it. :P
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Too Funny
Busy Week

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Personality Trait of the Youngest

If you haven't seen the movie I highly recommend it! It is a cute story about a girl who is born under a family curse and has a pig nose. The way to break the curse is to fine someone of her own kind (blue-blood) to love her.
Anyways...I won't ruin the story for those who haven't seen it...yet. But while watching that story I noticed her way of interacting/flirting to find a blue blood to marry her. She like to challenge them, verbally and intellectually. Since she had been so sheltered most of her life she wanted to figure out what life was like for others and made them who they are. She had been different her whole life, and was curious to see what life was like when fitting in. And since she couldn't leave home, talking was the only way to really find out things from others as she couldn't find out for herself.
While talking with Christel afterwards we were discussing this personality trait...trying to "challenge" someone when you meet them in order to get to know them and understand them...guy or girl really.
As being the youngest in my family I have realized that I respond well to challenges, and have had them presented to me my whole life. I taught myself how to read because I didn't want to be left behind from my siblings...and they could all ready read so why couldn't I? Challenge to catch up.
All of my siblings were in car accidents within the first year or two of being licensed...I wanted to be different so I was never in an accident in that time least that was my fault. (I was rearended once.) Also I took a different language in high school because I wanted to excel but not be trying to just catch up to the other marks they had earned before me. Challenge to be different and stand out in my family.
Getting a Bachelors degree in four years because that was how long I would be covered without taking any loans out. Challenge to not burden myself or my family financially longer than I had to.
And like Penelope...I kinda view my flirting style a little bit as "challenging" guys. I love to verbally spar with someone. Just the back and forth of coversation discussing life experiences, knowledge or even views and humor. I love to hear other opinions and sides to every story, but I also like to know that they have conviction and will stand by it. And I love to laugh. So anyone who can answer with a quick comeback and humor automatically catches my interest.
So while thinking about this coversation I think a lot of youngest children interact this way. As the youngest we have our siblings childhoods paving the way for the path our parents will raise us. And we are constantly wanting to catch up to those paths all ready set; we then want to excel at that or something different so we can create our own memories in our parents minds. Everyone wants to make a mark on this world.
I guess my whole point is that I never thought about how much competition and challenges put in front of me really make me more active and decisive in my life. It's an interesting thought to me.
So do you respond well to challenges? Or do you prefer to ignore them and find your own inspiration to act in your own due time?
Monday, August 18, 2008
Do You Ever?

But anyways...onto my earlier comment. When one friend was leaving...he was hugging people good bye and every time it seemed he was looking over their shoulders and each time made eye contact with me...and I have to interject that he wasn't always facing the same direction. No specific look in the eye...just a straight out...stare...small smile curving the lips. Could have been for me, or the people he was hugging goodbye. Who knows. Just seemed a bit odd to me.
Then later I kept laughing at some random comments people were making and each time i'd laugh particular person would always whip around their head and look at it was literally laugh...whip around and stare...small smile...then back onto the coversation. Others were laughing as don't really know why I always got the direct eye contact from this one person.
Now those who know me know I love to laugh, and I can laugh pretty loud. And actually just realized that I even giggle a lot more than I thought. But this was just a normal inside laugh...not even full out. So of course being a girl I over analyze things. Were these people looking at me cause I had something on my nose (I checked...nothing there); is there some random thought process going on in their heads that I am so not privy too; or is it just a random coincidence and really I was just making more eye contact with people and am making a mountain out of a mole hill?
Sometimes I feel like I am more of a shadows person. I really don't mind the spot light and can relish it at times...but I love to work in the shadows behind the scenes or quietly and sneakily get things done for others or to help out. I love seeing a surprise smile on anyone's face.
But ever since 7th grade I have literally made it more a point in my life to make more eye contact with people, cause I realized then I didn't do it all that much. Also you can tell so much more about a person and their real "mood" when you are looking them in the eye. So sometimes it still feels I guess unnerving for me when random eye contact is made...and even more so when I can't "read" what is in their eyes. I'm not nervous or insecure...that I know's just way more....intense I guess. that I have rambled on for a bit I guess I'm kind of wondering if anyone else feels like you are in a fish bowl...with the whole world staring in and watching to see what you do next. :)
Friday, August 15, 2008
I am such a couch potatoe

I am soo addicted to television. :) But my life has been so randomly busy lately that I am a little bit behind. But last night I caught up on 3 nights of Olympics (4-6 hours each)...I just love Tivo!
It seems kinda of funny when Mom and I are both home after a long day at work and we sit there and compare what we have to do that night. The funny part is when we both have nothing to do and we get to sit and watch television and catch up on our shows all night long. It seriously makes me so happy. I know...weird. But I have to say that even when watching TV I still do cross stitching or whatever crafty thing i'm working on at that time. So...I guess I'm not a total bump on the log.
Now I do have to put a qualifier in that I only get happy when I know there is something to watch, either recorded or live TV. A few weeks ago we had caught up on our Tivo and didn't have much to watch...then we started to do other projects we had...and were even a bit disappointed that there was nothing to watch.
You would think that having my moods and life kinda revolve around a TV and the stories I get to see would...i don't pathetic I guess. I mean, life shouldn't revolve around an inanimate object and what I think I get from it. But, I have no significant other, no one wanting to spend time with me daily (besides mom and she's happy to be a couch potatoe with me), and no kids or pets that I need to focus on. So I guess it's kind of a relax mechanism for me. I can lose my thoughts and worries and fears of life while I put my mind into whatever I am watching.
So even though I can be viewed as lazy I guess for watching a lot of TV...I still feel like I have accomplished something when I get to fully relax and put myself into the story I get exposed to on the television. Overall, my opinion is...I'm happy being a couch potatoe. :)
(And it's even better when I get to eat some sort of potatoes while being a couch potatoe...he, he, he. Gotta Love those carbs!)
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Debate is on...
What I would like to hear from you all who would really read my blog is...which would you prefer to hear about? Would you like to hear me wax poetic (if i can) about random topics that come through my head, actually read my true random thought process and what really goes on in my life and head, or would you just like to hear about the fun and witty stories that go on in my life? I could even take a perspective of finding something humorous each day and only post those things mainly (I will of course still do important info updates).
So...the debate is on. Let me know which you prefer to read and we'll see who has the stronger argument! Ready...Set...Go! :P

Thank you Melanie for being available to be there and not making me the only one there not married. I truly appreciate the single sister solidarity. :)
It truly is amazing seeing each other after so long and still feel that even though our lives have changed so much and we haven't been able to keep in contact much that we are all still friends. I had forgotten Jenni's hilarious humor in any conversation, the strength of Nicole's bubbly personality telling a story (still chuckling over that boobs and teeth comment), Crystals glow of personality (and maturity that I don't think I knew very well before) and Ruth's joy in life that sparkles around her. Melanie, can't forget you as you are still...well a constant in my life. :)
And oh my goodness...seeing Jenni and Ruth's children! So cute! I just look at them and can see the different characteristics (physically and personality wise) that come from my friends and their spouses. Nieces and Nephews are different...they are family. :P
Anyways, it was a great evening and I was so glad that I got to see my old friends. And we got to exchange info so hopefully now when we talk in the future...we won't have soo many years to catch up on. :)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Guess I Should Explain
So a few years ago it was around Easter time and Toys 'R Us had this commercial on TV where all the toys in the store came to life and all these white bunnies were all around the shelves and they were all singing the children's song "Here Comes Peter Cottentail". Songs get stuck in my head so easily...and that song just wouldn't leave my head for about that whole month before Easter, so I'd break out in that song in the randomist places.
One night when I was talking to my mom before we both headed to bed (and we were both in a slap happy mood) I started to sing that song and she told me to "Go to bed Petie" (code name Peter Cottentail) I couldn't stop laughing and thought it was such a funny...and appropriate name at the and I agreed that should be my new "nickname".
Of course then mom had to have one as her's is Sundae (an odd name like the day of the week, but spelled like an ice cream sundae).
I have told a few friends and even nieces and nephews and sometimes I get randomly called Petie. And I do so love to now you have petieplay. Long story I know. :P