Thank you Melanie for being available to be there and not making me the only one there not married. I truly appreciate the single sister solidarity. :)
It truly is amazing seeing each other after so long and still feel that even though our lives have changed so much and we haven't been able to keep in contact much that we are all still friends. I had forgotten Jenni's hilarious humor in any conversation, the strength of Nicole's bubbly personality telling a story (still chuckling over that boobs and teeth comment), Crystals glow of personality (and maturity that I don't think I knew very well before) and Ruth's joy in life that sparkles around her. Melanie, can't forget you as you are still...well a constant in my life. :)
And oh my goodness...seeing Jenni and Ruth's children! So cute! I just look at them and can see the different characteristics (physically and personality wise) that come from my friends and their spouses. Nieces and Nephews are different...they are family. :P
Anyways, it was a great evening and I was so glad that I got to see my old friends. And we got to exchange info so hopefully now when we talk in the future...we won't have soo many years to catch up on. :)
1 comment:
Reunions are fun (and painful). I love them (and hate them). I try not to have reunions last too long, but it sounds like yours was fun!
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