If you haven't seen the movie I highly recommend it! It is a cute story about a girl who is born under a family curse and has a pig nose. The way to break the curse is to fine someone of her own kind (blue-blood) to love her.
Anyways...I won't ruin the story for those who haven't seen it...yet. But while watching that story I noticed her way of interacting/flirting to find a blue blood to marry her. She like to challenge them, verbally and intellectually. Since she had been so sheltered most of her life she wanted to figure out what life was like for others and made them who they are. She had been different her whole life, and was curious to see what life was like when fitting in. And since she couldn't leave home, talking was the only way to really find out things from others as she couldn't find out for herself.
While talking with Christel afterwards we were discussing this personality trait...trying to "challenge" someone when you meet them in order to get to know them and understand them...guy or girl really.
As being the youngest in my family I have realized that I respond well to challenges, and have had them presented to me my whole life. I taught myself how to read because I didn't want to be left behind from my siblings...and they could all ready read so why couldn't I? Challenge to catch up.
All of my siblings were in car accidents within the first year or two of being licensed...I wanted to be different so I was never in an accident in that time period...at least that was my fault. (I was rearended once.) Also I took a different language in high school because I wanted to excel but not be trying to just catch up to the other marks they had earned before me. Challenge to be different and stand out in my family.
Getting a Bachelors degree in four years because that was how long I would be covered without taking any loans out. Challenge to not burden myself or my family financially longer than I had to.
And like Penelope...I kinda view my flirting style a little bit as "challenging" guys. I love to verbally spar with someone. Just the back and forth of coversation discussing life experiences, knowledge or even views and humor. I love to hear other opinions and sides to every story, but I also like to know that they have conviction and will stand by it. And I love to laugh. So anyone who can answer with a quick comeback and humor automatically catches my interest.
So while thinking about this coversation I think a lot of youngest children interact this way. As the youngest we have our siblings childhoods paving the way for the path our parents will raise us. And we are constantly wanting to catch up to those paths all ready set; we then want to excel at that or something different so we can create our own memories in our parents minds. Everyone wants to make a mark on this world.
I guess my whole point is that I never thought about how much competition and challenges put in front of me really make me more active and decisive in my life. It's an interesting thought to me.
So do you respond well to challenges? Or do you prefer to ignore them and find your own inspiration to act in your own due time?
I love challenges, but you knew that.
OK - high horse is coming - WHY would you make a boy have to "work" to flirt with you?
Some boys - like those in the movies - will actully compete and spar with you conversationally, but most want to have an easy conversation. Really. You should take a poll.
Ask single boys or even married boys - just to find out what boys think, "Do you find it easy to flirt with girls? Do you like a girl who is a challenge? Do you like to verbally spar with someone of the opposite sex? Would you date that person you spar with?"
I would randomly call every boy in the singles branch and take a flirting poll. Post the results - the single girls would love you!
You do tend to hang around with girls a lot. Be yourself and hang around with the guys too.
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