We won last night! YAY! We finally rallied in the 8th inning...before that it was pretty disappointing. But I happy we won.
Unfortunately later after the game I totally lost my temper. I carpooled to the game with my supervisor DBow (names changed for privacy...he, he) and the bosses son, HenP. HenP likes to talk, and talk and just hear himself talk. So all throughout the game he wasn't watching much as he was hob nobbing with the company reps who were hosting this gathering and other of our ISMs (producers under my co that use our carrier contracts and we get part of their profit). HenP only watched when he ate and during the final two awesome innings. How do I know this...he drove and is usually a lush at these type of events. I kept watching to see how much beers he drank so I'd know whether I needed to take the keys from him. (Surprisingly he only had one small beer.)
Anyways...after the game DBow and I started to head with the crowd to go. HenP wouldn't make eye contact with us and started walking away from the stairs we were heading to to leave. DBow and I both figured...well he must have figured we'd headed down to wait for him. 25 minutes later he still not there...but all the other people and even all the vending people have come down. I was stewing in my own annoyance. So...I went back up to get him and let him know we were waiting for him...like he couldn't have figured it out by then. What was he doing....talking to more co rep people that he all ready talked to 3 times that evening...just standing there shooting the breeze. urg!
To shorten this...when HenP was finally following me down the stairs so he could leave he was trying to make light conversation, I tried to warn him...I did. But he just kept egging me on going "Come on, give it to me already." So I did...I started explaining to him in my mad voice...not shrill but loud and in your face...that DBow and I both have a long drive from the office (where our cars were parked) to home, and I have to get up at the butt crack of dawn. Didn't he already talk to these people...and how long was he just going to stand there till we found him like a lost dog and told him where to go? Now it doesn't sound so angry by writing this...but seriously I was scaring some of the people around us when I was trying to walk to the car. If you've never seen me actually lose my temper I guess you can't really see me getting frightened stares from strangers...but I can...which is why I'm usually so glad for my long temper fuse.
Apparently last night just too many buttons got pushed and I was a bit tired. Anyways...HenP argued back and said that I was rude when I went up to get him (I thought I was remarkably calm but who knows). So then the rest of the night DBow was trying to make small talk and didn't want to leave me alone with HenP in case I was still mad. I had to of course apologize (even though still ticked off) cause he is the boss's son. And you never know what may send him running to tell daddy who then will go off half cocked as he can and I worried about getting confronted by boss. HenP said "No Worries" like all was forgotten. So we shall see.
This is why sometimes I not a huge friend of small companies. It may be a friendly environment, but the boss and his family always take advantage of thing and people from the office with this sense of entitlement...which they haven't fully earned.
So that's my beef for the day (or last night). I can't stand people who won't respect you and no matter how stupid their own actions may be they still think they can do no wrong and are so much better than you. But I guess judgement is a two way street...I try to give those type of people the benefit of the doubt...really i do...but when they keep reinforcing my original perception there's only so much respect I can give them in return.
On a happy note...We Won! :P
Yeh I am with the boss's son. When it comes to business you have to let people mingle and shmooze - even if it takes all night. It is just good business.
On a different note, I think you could easily scare people when you are mad.
Hey, what about unconditional sisterly support? :) i know i was over reacting. but i was tired and too many buttons had been pushed that day. i over reacted and i know it. but i still think i was partially right.
You neglected to tell me how mad it made you. This was really enlightening. It just showed how tired you really were. This has been a busy week for you and the past 2 weeks we were up late every night watching Olympics. You need to take care of you.
"Take care of you" is Mom's way of saying she agrees with me - you are cranky!
He he. I just had to tease you.
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