Me in front of the Christmas tree.
Enjoy your Christmas!
All the words that I utter, And all the words that I write; Must spread out their wings untiring And never rest in their flight. By William Butler Yeats
Dominique didn't want to get out of bed. Gotta hurry to get to the movies!
Got her the Twilight Series books.
Dinner at Outback. :)
More pics...but they just filler. This gives you the gist of our party time. :)
Happy Birthday D! Ahh...another year where your birthday is on Thanksgiving. Fun least you are assured to be well fed for your birthday! :)
Hope you had a great birthday....and keep those messages on your mirrors till at least then you can celebrate just a bit longer. :)
So, I got through three trash bags full of shredding....and I killed our shredder. Ooppps! Well, technically I'm pretty sure I just over heated it...but I do think it is finally on it's last legs. We've had it for at least 2 years now, so it did last pretty long. :) I still have a stack of stuff to shred though so I'm working on what I'll do next. I waited a bit and it shred one more piece of paper after I though it was totally dead...but then again stopped working. I think I'll just have to go shopping later this week to get a new one so I can finally finish my project. :)
Next I moved onto my room and went through all of my clothes and put into bags for donation anything I haven't worn in a year (did keep some older stuff that I absolutely refuse to get rid of like old school shirts and such, I could turn them into a quilt of something later...maybe). Anyways, ended up with three bags of clothes and old purses to donate, even took them and dropped them off in a drop box. Even got all my laundry ready and started some now it is all picked up off my floor. That project complete...YAY! Upstairs projects I'd been putting off are done now. Now upstairs I only have to dust and vacuum my room and clean my bathroom and I'll be all clean and organized. Joy! Yes that does sound pathetic, oh well. :)
This is how far I am right now. The aida cloth is tan so some of it is hard to see...but all I have left is the fill in on the robes of Christ, a bit on the path and the main white part on the sheep at his feet. All of the rest is totally completed.
Well, I do then have to do the outlining, but it's not totally extensive. goal....I hope to finish this by the end of the year. Still will be pushing it...but I seriously want to get this done. I'm hoping the trip out to Arizona for Christmas will help as I can do it while waiting in the airport and on the plane....which should be a good dedicated 4-5 hours each way. The really hard time I have is sitting down with no distractions and getting this accomplished. Maybe I should bring some music to plug my ears with so I won't be distracted while on the plane.
Anyways...I'm working on it. Again...angles are weird as I took the pictures in my lap. But...please encourage, badger, bug me about this. It's taken 6 and's time I got it done all ready.
Thanks for all the help!
Sign over her window
Posters to decorate her wall
The Blues Note rotating on the ice before the game:
Some scenes from the game. We were only 7 rows back from the ice!
This is one of the congregation moments where the refs were trying to stop the fights before they really started. There were 4 almost fights, but no punches thrown. Shucks.
Was an awesome game...we WON 4 to 0! Only we were kinda hoping they would have made 5 goals as once they reach that we could have gotten a free blizzard from Dairy Queen. During the last 2 minutes of the 3rd period we were so close, but we never saw that 5th goal. No ice cream, but still great fun!